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How could anyone resist

this sweet face? It’s hard, let me tell you! 🙂 Being the only nephew/grandchild, must be a rough job, but he does his best to keep us all busy.One of Lenox’s favorite things is the aquarium screen saver on my laptop, he MUST go see it every time he passes my room. He yells something […]

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Lenox’s 1st Birthday

The invitation to Lenox’s 1st Birthday Party:Lenox and his Daddy:Lenox is a bit of a picky eater but did try the cake I made for him:Lenox helps Aunt Claire keep track of all his presents:For more birthday fun, watch the slideshow below!

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The White House – Holiday in the National Parks

I’m not even sure how many times I’ve been to the White House, but I always love going. It’s so beautiful and historical, it’s an honor to be there. I was able to go photograph the Christmas decorations again this year – thanks Tracy! The theme this year is Holiday in the National Parks, chosen […]

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Baby Hadley

Sweet baby Hadley was a wonderful model for her first big portrait shoot. She’s 4 weeks old, though many one year olds would be jealous of her long hair! Isn’t she the cutest little thing?!

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