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Dumbarton Oaks

Today I visited one of my favorite hidden gems in DC, Dumbarton Oaks. You’ll have to visit yourself to discover the gorgeous gardens. These images show off a little late fall color and some unique door handles.

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National Cathedral Engagement Pictures – Emily and Tomas

Also from Sunday, here are Emily and Tomas’s beautiful images. I have the most wonderful clients and I enjoy getting to know each of them as I share in the anticipation and excitement for the wedding day. Emily and Tomas were great sports as I searched for the best light and locations for their portraits; […]

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Susan and Sang

Yesterday we had a beautiful fall day, perfect for an engagement shoot (or two). Sang and Susan were up first and wonderful to work with. I love the genuine expressions of happiness on their faces. It’s obvious they really enjoy being together. Here are a few of my favorites, watch for a slideshow coming soon. […]

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