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The ever-adorable Lenox!

I was in Florida for the weekend and am a little behind on my editing as I had several really fun shoots while I was there (pictures to come soon!). But I had to throw up a few shots of the ever-adorable Lenox (mostly for his mom who I’m sure is dying to see a […]

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Website Hacked!

I apologize to anyone who tried to view my website, or your slideshow, today and found something else. Apparently my site was hacked! Yikes! Fortunately everything was still there, just hidden.The wonderful tech guy at Start Logic fixed everything for me quickly after I called. If you’re looking for a hosting company, they are great!My […]

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Tilly is Two (almost!)

It has been so much fun catching up with my little models who are now a year older. How time flies! Tilly was a great sport in spite of the unusually hot day. Isn’t she adorable with her big, beautiful eyes? Watch her slideshow for more.

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Ava is Two

Last year I shot Ava’s one year old portrait and now she’s two. It hardly seems that a year could have gone by, but she’s turned in to a little girl. She still has beautiful red hair and amazing blue eyes. Tommy, from the post a few weeks ago, is her buddy and I’m sure […]

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