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Adeleine, Caden and Sophie

I started photographing this family with a maternity shoot and now Sophie is almost 2! It’s been fun to watch the kids grow. Taking a picture that’s good of multiple children at the same time is inherently difficult. 🙂 My favorites are the individual shots!

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Kalie and Brandon

Kalie and Brandon trekked all over Georgetown with me yesterday finishing up at Bartholdi Park and the Capitol. I think we got some fabulous shots to celebrate their engagement and enjoyed beautiful weather. Check out their slideshow for more of this cute couple.

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Tommy at Two

Tommy’s mom warned me that he was “a runner” and she wasn’t kidding! I wish I had half his energy! Lots of actions shots from his photo shoot and a few cute close ups too. He was a great sport. You have to watch the slideshow to appreciate just how much he ran. 🙂 The […]

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