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The Lenox Show

OK, I know I’m a slightly obsessed Aunt, but I just have to share more pictures of Lenox from my recent time in Florida. He’s just too cute to only show a couple of pictures. So, click play to see a few more. 🙂 Enjoy!

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Lenox at the Beach

Since the last post, Lenox was given his first haircut by his daddy who loves his clippers! But he does look cute and a much more grown up 7 1/2 months, doesn’t he?

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Tuten Family

I had a great time with the Tuten Family yesterday taking their family portrait. We first stopped at the Treaty Oak, as you can tell by the trunk size it’s an old landmark in Jacksonville. We then heading out to Atlantic Beach for more fun shots.

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Time at the Lake

We had a big reunion of church friends at the lake on Saturday – 10 families and nearly 40 people (we were missing lots of grown kids) – and Lenox loved being the center of attention. Here he is cooling off in his pool. His first bumpertube ride with his parents Lenox and Aunt Katherine […]

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