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Alex, Duke and Rosie

Multiple dogs are like multiple children in the same photograph – very difficult! Alex was such a trooper and we actually got several good shots of the three of them in spite of the dogs endless energy. This photo shoot was a surprise for Alex’s mom for Mother’s Day, so hopefully she won’t find this […]

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The Queen

Queen Elizabeth arrived at the White House this morning and I was one of the thousands there for the Arrival Ceremony. Here are a few pictures of the Queen and President Bush both of which made brief remarks. Officials including Condoleeza Rice and the Cheney’s on the far right.The President with his hand over his […]

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Leriza and Roderick’s Album

I’ve finished Leriza and Roderick’s album design. To cover all the festivities, I think it’s the most pages I’ve ever designed for an album! Click here to see their wedding story.

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