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Lenox at 3 months

My adorable nephew is a little over three months old. I’ve been in Florida for Easter weekend to see him – and the rest of my family too, of course. 🙂 But he does steal the show with his charming smiles. He’s started “talking” and grabbing his toes since I’ve been here. I just can’t […]

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Cherry Blossoms, Washington DC – Robyn and Linda

Early Saturday morning I headed downtown with newlyweds Robyn and Linda to commemorate their first dates and engagement associated with the FDR memorial and the cherry blossoms. We tried to go early, so we didn’t have an audience of tourists, but with beautiful blossoms and weather, there was already a crowd at 8am. I think […]

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Cherry Blossoms

The blossoms are in full bloom and gorgeous as usual! If you live here, you MUST go downtown and if you don’t, come visit!My friend Lauren and her son Caed and I were out to enjoy the beautiful weather. Have you ever seen such incredible eyes on a little boy?! e-mail Jan now ~ view […]

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It’s alive!

After months and months of work and anticipation, my new website is finally “live”! If you haven’t seen it, please check out jan michele photography. Let me know what you think!

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Is it a yam or a sweet potato?

Have you ever wondered what the difference was between a yam and a sweet potato?The answer is – a lot! In fact, they aren’t even related. The sweet potato is in the Morning glory family and the yam is in, well, the yam family. You can recognize a sweet potato by it’s smooth, thin skin […]

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