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All the Attaways

The Attaways are family – “adopted” family by my family since we have no aunts, uncles or cousins! If you’ve followed my blog, you’ll find them in last summer’s family beach pictures, our annual tradition. This time it was a more formal shoot, don’t they look great! Here’s a slideshow for a few more pictures. […]

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Lee and his motorcycle

I just bought a new camera lens (70-200 f/2.8 IS)and was able to try it out yesterday. My brother, Lee, wanted to document some of his motorcycle tricks so we finally found a few minutes to go out for a quick shoot. His stunts were pretty impressive and with this new lens I was able […]

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Lenox’s second week

This was Lenox’s offical shoot for his birth announcement. However, I can’t show you the pictures we picked for the announcement since I want those of you receiving it to see the real thing first. But there were plenty of other great shots, so here are a few of the adorable “little man” as his […]

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Jacksonville FL Engagement Photography – Alayne and Matt

Alayne and Matt have been married for 9 months, a perfect time for a fun photo shoot! Alayne is a long time family friend, I’ve known her since she was born, in fact. Here’s a slideshow of more of the fun pictures. In case you’re wondering how they are warm enough at the beach, it […]

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Lenox has eyes!

When Lenox is asleep he’s really out, but we have discovered that he does have eyes! He keeps them shut so much we were beginning to wonder if he was intentionally ignoring us. 🙂 He’s had a lot to adjust to during his first week in the world, but seems to be taking it all […]

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