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Tiffany and Matt’s Album

After working on it all week, Tiffany and Matt’s album is ready! I really enjoyed telling the sweet story of their day in pictures. To see it click here.

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9-11 Five years later…

There’s a hill near my house that overlooks the Pentagon and DC across 395. On September 11, 2001, when I finally came home that afternoon, I went over to the hill to see the Pentagon. Many people were gathered there. Tonight, even at 11:30pm, there were a few people gathered on the hill to see […]

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Samantha and Chad

Sunday I had the opportunity to shoot an e-session for the newly engaged Samantha and Chad. The weather was beautiful and so was the couple – making my job very easy! Congratulations and best wishes for your upcoming Texas wedding! Here’s a link to their slideshow too.

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Congratulations Tiffany and Matt!

Saturday was Tiffany and Matt’s lovely wedding at LAuberge Chez Francois, a wonderful French restaurant in Great Falls. We finished the day at the Smithsonian Castle, a fitting backdrop for a wedding day portrait. The slideshow tells the day’s story.

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Chrissi and Sheldon’s Album

While Chrissi and Sheldon were enjoying a fabulous honeymoon in Hawaii, I designed this album of their day. I love to see the pictures come together and tell a beautiful story. It’s so much more powerful than any picture alone. Take a look at the album and see if you agree! e-mail Jan now ~ […]

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