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Riley at 6 months

Riley is 6 months old now and looks like such a big girl for her 3rd photo shoot. Earlier on the beach the sand was very tempting so the boardwalk proved to be a less distracting prop. How cute is she? Hit the play button to see more of Riley. e-mail Jan now ~ view […]

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Family Traditions

What fun memories! For the 5th summer in a row, the Attaways and the Graves (and the Hires) have taken a family picture at the beach. It’s officially one of our many yearly traditions! However, this is a banner year as it’s the first year we’ve had every last one of us in the picture. […]

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4th of July at the Lake

I spent the 4th of July weekend with my family at the lake in Florida. It was a great opportunity to practice my sports photography! Lot’s of action for sure! Hit play to check out the fun.

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Family of Three – Almost!

Madeline may think she’s Leon and Susan’s child, but she’ll have to make room for the baby due in December. The baby will be my first niece or nephew – we’ll find out which soon!

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