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Washington DC Family Photographer – Fall Photos

Cooler weather and changing leaves, make the fall a great time to update family photos in the Washington, DC area.  There are so many pretty places for pictures!  Even with teenagers, they still are growing and changing, and family pictures are so important now and for future posterity.  You’ll never regret having pictures with your […]

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Family photos – Old Town Alexandria, VA

How cute is this family of 3 sisters + plus a 4th sister, Millie the Basset Hound?!  Photographing girls is always a treat, as they generally are much more agreeable to the process.  Though being 3 still makes for a limited attention span.  But that’s OK.   We still captured plenty of sweet smiles and cute […]

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Old Town Alexandria Photographer – Almost 3!

This little guy has grown so much in 16 months since his last photo shoot. Logan has gone from a baby to a little boy!  He’s still as busy as ever and very much into cars and trucks.  We had a great time “going on an adventure” in Old Town Alexandria and he kept us […]

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