Cherry Blossom Engagement Pictures – Melissa & Matt

Cherry blossoms and warm weather are the perfect combination for an engagement shoot! Melissa and Matt are getting married soon and wanted to continue their cherry blossom theme from the wedding into the engagement pictures. I’m so glad the weather and blossoms cooperated! We had a fabulous time enjoying the beauty of the day and capturing moments of their relationship. I just love the way they look at each other so adoringly. I’m excited for their big day, it’s an honor to be their wedding photographer.
Washington DC Engagement Photographer
Washington DC Engagement Photographer
Washington DC Engagement Photographer
Washington DC Engagement Photographer
Washington DC Engagement Photographer
Washington DC Engagement Photographer
Washington DC Engagement Photographer
Washington DC Engagement Photographer
Washington DC Engagement Photographer
Washington DC Engagement Photographer
Washington DC Engagement Photographer
Washington DC Engagement Photographer
Washington DC Engagement PhotographerTo contact Jan about an engagement shoot (if you’re getting married out of the area I’m happy to work with you to capture your relationship in DC, even if I’m not your wedding photographer) click here, then the contact tab.

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