Dallas Arboretum Family Photos – Dallas, TX Photographer

Recognize Jacob?  Probably not Noah as he wasn’t even 2 last time I photographed him.  After leaving Washington, DC these good friends let a little time lapse in their regular family photo schedule.  We won’t talk about the picture of Noah at about 7 months old on their mantle at their new house…. So we couldn’t let any more time go by without capturing Noah’s expressive personality at newly 5 years old, and Jacob before he ventures into the teenage years.  Even if it meant traveling to Dallas, TX again to make it happen.  After photographing another family who moved from VA to TX last summer at the Dallas Arboretum last fall, it may just be my new favorite location for family pictures.  With 500,000 bulbs planted for the spring, the flowers were just stunning!   It was so much fun catching up with this family, who are dear friends, as well as feeling I’ve done my job in documenting this time in their lives before another year slips by.  Sweet family and beautiful gardens below: 

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Hello to you too, Noah!  He couldn’t resist waving at the camera.  I think he liked showing off for the camera just a tad. 🙂 
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