How sweet is baby Jack? At 6 days old he was still very sleepy and pose-able which made photographing him so much fun. Really new newborns are used to being squished up so they don’t seem to mind being curled up and they can sleep through anything. I’m not sure if they are still resting from the trauma of birth or they just are used to sleeping though all sorts of noise as they go everywhere with mama, but taking their picture within the first week makes such a difference. This little guy was not only adorable but he also gets a gold star for cooperating so well for his first portrait session! Here are a few of my favorite pictures of this beautiful baby boy.

How cute will he be this winter as he grows into his lion hat!

If you’re expecting a baby and thinking about newborn pictures, contact me before the baby arrives so I can put your due date on my calendar. Then we can schedule a session as soon as the baby arrives to catch that sweet newness.