Jacksonville FL Kids Photographer – Lenox, Lincoln and London

It’s only been a year since the last beach pictures, but how is it possible the kids have grown and changed this much?!  Lincoln is missing lots of teeth and Lenox just looks like a big kid.  And while going from 2 to 3 is a significant jump, London’s already big personality has grown exponentially.

I kept a lot of funny pictures to show that there’s never a dull moment when photographing kids! 

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Sweet, sweet biggest brother.
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Nicely walking…. good.  Then Lincoln??? 
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And it’s impossible to be funny to all three at once, apparently. 
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This about sums it up.
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Sometimes one chooses not to participate. 
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Or they get distracted.  
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Jumping got them all laughing. 
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Still working on getting off the ground together.
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They did it! 
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They planned to go swimming in their clothes afterwards.  
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At first London said she didn’t want to get wet, but clearly changed her mind. That girl doesn’t want to miss a fun time! 
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This is a pose, I suppose. 
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