Tag Archives: Italy

Grand Canal – Venice, Italy

My big international trip of 2011 was to Italy in October.  It’s a place I’ve wanted to see for a long time and I can’t wait to see more someday!  I spent a week with a group of fun wedding and portrait photographers in the lake region north of Milan.  The first panoramic is of […]

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ABC’s of Italy – a creative photography project

In addition to the texture collection, another project Kevin Kubota assigned during the photography workshop was to photograph the alphabet.  It’s a way to stretch your creativity in seeing something different in ordinary things.  You should try it, it’s fun! Here’s my Italy alphabet:

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A taste of Italy in photos

A sampling of the textures and details I’ve found in Italy (Lake Como and Lake Maggiore) during Kevin Kubota’s Secret Italy photography workshop.  The weather has been amazingly beautiful too!

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