Just getting extended family all in one place from around the country is a massive feat. But I’m so glad we could capture this family together in one big family portrait. It meant so much to the grandparents to have these pictures and I know all the grandchildren will treasure these family pictures all their […]
Tag Archives: Washington DC Family Photographer
I loved the colors this family chose to wear for Christmas photos in Washington DC this year. So elegant! And a nice break from red! Wine colored velvet blazers for the boys and pants for dad, and a berry colored sweater for mom. And I’m always a fan of navy too, such a nice pairing […]

What fun to see this family again! Remember the cold, windy, but oh so sweet wedding day with mountain views last October? Today we had the prefect summer day for family pictures in Washington, DC. This family has blended beautifully and it was a joy to capture them all together! Sons, daughters, siblings. Lots of love […]

Soon to be Family of Four! I first photographed this beautiful family when Alex was a newborn and then updated pictures when Alex was a toddler. Such a treat to catch up with them, as they anticipate the arrival of baby boy #2 very soon, for maternity portraits in Washington, DC! Alex will be the best […]

Family Christmas pictures look best outside. I love the coordinating family outfits built around navy. These pictures work for Christmas cards, but all year round too. And blue looks great on everyone. I always recommend wearing blues when coordinating group or family pictures. Three teenagers, these siblings, twins and a little brother, were good sports and […]