Soon to be Family of Four! I first photographed this beautiful family when Alex was a newborn and then updated pictures when Alex was a toddler. Such a treat to catch up with them, as they anticipate the arrival of baby boy #2 very soon, for maternity portraits in Washington, DC! Alex will be the best big brother! This photo session was also great practice so he knows me and also knows what to expect (like holding still and smiling) when I come to take the newborn baby pictures. I know it’s a lot of work with little kids, but the more you take pictures, the more they get the hang of it and the easier it gets!
Such a glowing mother-to-be x2 with such a sweet spirit, I’m so glad she will have these pictures from this season of life when they transition from a family of 3 to 4. It was actually her husband who contacted me this time and made it happen, as he knew how important it was. Big points for him! I’m sure he will train his sons to be so thoughtful! I can’t wait to meet the new addition their family soon!