Happy Birthday Lenox!

Lenox is officially 2 years old today! How the years fly by! It’s amazing how much kids change from ages one to two. Barely walking a year ago, now he repeats everything you say, knows the alphabet, can spell his name and do 35 piece jigsaw puzzles. However, at his party on Saturday he still needed some help blowing out his candle despite his best efforts. 🙂

But he certainly knew what to do with the cupcake and
gave an approving “mmmm, yum, yum” after every bite.
This was after he discovered he could see his reflection in my lens. Lovely.
He takes the present opening very seriously, making sure to remove every bit of paper
and taking time to peruse the new George book. He loves books!
Here his is in the “jumpy thing” rented for his party with his favorite gift, a toy leaf blower.
It goes every where with him!
Mommy and Lenox after a fun day.

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