Lincoln – 5 days old

At 5 days old, Lincoln was a perfect little subject for his first photo shoot. Maybe he’ll be the kid in the family that hams it up for the camera. I can always hope! 🙂 As you can see, he didn’t let us interrupt his naps. First, a few family shots in the backyard:

These next two were taken on day 8. He’s still sleeping.

And just to compare, here’s Lenox, I think at about 10 days old. They don’t look like twins, but I think it will be obvious they are brothers!

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Introducing Lincoln!

I’m being accused of neglecting my newest nephew on my blog, so without further ado, I must introduce Lincoln! He was born on Saturday and portraits should be coming in a few days.

Here he is about an hour and a half old, right before his bath. The hospital where he was born keeps the babies in the room at all times so we could hold his hands and comfort him while he was getting checked out, measured, weighted and all. He was a hefty 10 pounds 3 ounces yet seems slimmer framed than Lenox who was 5 ounces lighter. At first we thought that Lincoln looked completely different than Lenox did at birth, but looking back at Lenox’s baby pictures we’ve seen many more similarities than differences. And, as the days go by, they look even more alike.

A very eager big brother came the next morning to meet Lincoln.
Lenox immediately covered him with hugs and kisses. He loves to hold his baby brother.
Family of four.

And one with Lincoln and me, taken by Susan.

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Wedding Portrait, Savannah Wedding Photography – Liz and Mike

On my way down to Florida for Thanksgiving, I met up with Liz and Mike in Savannah, for an after-the-wedding portrait session on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Savannah is a fabulous place for portraits so if any of my other clients plan to move there, please let me know!

Liz and I had a great time, and Mike doesn’t look too miserable in most of the pictures. 🙂 He was a great sport as we traipsed around Savannah for almost 4 hours! When I have willing and photogenic subjects and all the time in the world – compared to a wedding day – it’s really hard to stop shooting. It was a fun change of pace for me and a great example of what you can do on the wedding day with time (usually I’m happy with 1 1/2 to 2 hours) built in for portraits.

Liz and Mike, thanks for spending the afternoon with me, I hope you love the images too!

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