OK, this post is a long time coming and is a little lengthy. As many of you noticed I was in Florida last week and didn’t post any new pictures of Lenox. I was attempting to spend more time with people than my computer, so I didn’t do any image editing while I was gone. So now I’m home and I don’t want to disappoint, so here’s a few of the darling boy. He can do so many things now that I wanted to give you a taste of who he is beyond an adorable face. 🙂 So without further delay, here he is!
He was answering e-mail for me – or finding new shortcut keys is more like it. And you should see him scroll with the mouse! He still loves the fish screen saver and when a puzzle or book had fish in it, that would remind him and he’d run to the computer to “count” the fish.
He also says “nice” to dogs – I think he’s been told that a few times!
He added the word “ball” to his vocabulary last week.
His other favorite things are books and puzzles.
Not too many skiing pictures this time, but he’s one of Dad Leon and Uncle Lee.
Unfortunately watching bumper tubing makes Lenox cry.
Tonight through Sunday from sunset until midnight, the National Cathedral is being illuminated by Swiss Lighting Artist Gerry Hofstetter to celebrate the Cathedral’s centennial. It’s his debut in the United States, and is certainly a unique look for the Cathedral. Quite a crowd turned out in spite of the chilly weather.
I met Liz and Mike out at her favorite Vineyard in Middleburg, Chrysalis Vineyards, for their engagement shoot. The weather was incredible to match the beautiful setting. The people at Chrysalis couldn’t have been more hospitable and even allowed us to shoot in the Red Barrel Room in the Winery.
Liz and Mike have an amazing story as they met through his parents while Mike was in Iraq and after getting to know each other long distance, got engaged just days after meeting in person. They are so great together that you’d never guess they’ve spent most of their time dating half way around the world from each other. Aren’t they the cutest couple?