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Happy Birthday Lenox!

Lenox is officially 2 years old today! How the years fly by! It’s amazing how much kids change from ages one to two. Barely walking a year ago, now he repeats everything you say, knows the alphabet, can spell his name and do 35 piece jigsaw puzzles. However, at his party on Saturday he still […]

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Alayne and Matt

For those of you waiting for more Lenox and Lincoln pictures, I prefer not to edit images from my laptop, so I’m saving most of the editing for January, but I do need to post more pictures of them from the last few weeks soon!Today I had a fun shoot with Alayne and Matt. They […]

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Lincoln – 5 days old

At 5 days old, Lincoln was a perfect little subject for his first photo shoot. Maybe he’ll be the kid in the family that hams it up for the camera. I can always hope! 🙂 As you can see, he didn’t let us interrupt his naps. First, a few family shots in the backyard:These next […]

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Introducing Lincoln!

I’m being accused of neglecting my newest nephew on my blog, so without further ado, I must introduce Lincoln! He was born on Saturday and portraits should be coming in a few days. Here he is about an hour and a half old, right before his bath. The hospital where he was born keeps the […]

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Wedding Portrait, Savannah Wedding Photography – Liz and Mike

On my way down to Florida for Thanksgiving, I met up with Liz and Mike in Savannah, for an after-the-wedding portrait session on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Savannah is a fabulous place for portraits so if any of my other clients plan to move there, please let me know! Liz and I had a great […]

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