More pictures of Alayne and Matt from our fun shoot in Jacksonville a few weeks ago on a beautiful, warm afternoon. (Boy does that sound good now! :)) They are such an elegant couple that it was hard to pick only a few favorites. So, here’s a sampling. Enjoy!
Tag Archives: Jacksonville FL
I’m still catching up on editing. Here are a couple shots from Lenox’s two year old shoot, taken mid-December. Such a cute face, if this unbiased Aunt does say so herself. 🙂
Lenox is officially 2 years old today! How the years fly by! It’s amazing how much kids change from ages one to two. Barely walking a year ago, now he repeats everything you say, knows the alphabet, can spell his name and do 35 piece jigsaw puzzles. However, at his party on Saturday he still […]
For those of you waiting for more Lenox and Lincoln pictures, I prefer not to edit images from my laptop, so I’m saving most of the editing for January, but I do need to post more pictures of them from the last few weeks soon!Today I had a fun shoot with Alayne and Matt. They […]
I went to Florida for a couple of days last week to see my adorable nephew (and the rest of my family). Lenox is talking up a storm and his “Aunt Jan” is especially cute. 🙂 He seems to enjoy saying my name and would walk around chanting what sounded like AnJanAnJanAnJan. He must feel […]